Jünger Trade-In Program for Dolby® DP570 & Professional Products

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Trade in your Dolby® DP569, DP570, DP571, DP572, or LM100 and receive $1,000 off a new Jünger Audio D*AP8 Processor.


Despite changes in modern broadcast infrastructure, Dolby Digital®, Dolby Digital Plus®, and Dolby E® still play an important role in station and network workflows.

Some of the original tools provided by Dolby are discontinued or incompatible with current operating systems and infrastructures. Jünger has modern, streamlined, and user-friendly alternatives to those original tools!


Replace Your Dolby DP Product with Jünger and Save $1000

We have the right solution for your needs.

If you're worried that your new Jünger products won't have all the same functionality as your old Dolby units, fear not.

Our specialists will evaluate your current Dolby unit and determine the best Jünger D*AP8 product for your needs (D*AP8 MAP, TAP, or FLX), along with appropriate associated product bundle to make sure you don't miss a beat.



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Let us help you determine the right Jünger replacement products for your old Dolby units. We've also provided the download below for a quick primer on how Jünger products can replace these Dolby products. 

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Dolby DP Series Replacement Document


Jünger's Technical Recommendations for Dolby Replacements