TV Solutions
TV Solutions brings together products from Telos, Omnia, Axia, 25-Seven, Linear Acoustic, and Minnetonka to fulfill the expanding needs of content providers for broadcast, streaming, on-demand, and emerging non-broadcast markets that require audio excellence to maximize their content's value and competitive edge in the market.

Broadcast Phone Systems
Telos VoIP Broadcast Phone Systems replace racks of phone couplers, contribution hybrids, and engineering coordination lines with a single hardware VoIP Engine or our virtual VoIP solutions, making it easier for remote teams to tap into production and engineering partylines.

OEM Solutions and Partnerships
Telos Alliance's mission includes bringing our knowledge and technology as audio experts into conversations and solutions across all industries. Our OEM options come in two forms, collaborative partnership opportunities and off-the-shelf products that are primed for integration.

File-Based Audio Processing
Minnetonka Audio delivers best-in-class file-based audio processing for loudness management, transcoding, QC, and more, regardless of whether you need to process in your edit bay, as part of a video system, or as a fully automated part of your workflow orchestration for worldwide distribution.

Measurement and Monitoring

On-Air TV Processing
Linear Acoustic AERO-series processors have been the industry standard choice for delivering multi-channel digital television audio that assures broadcasters meet compliance and regulatory demands, while simultaneously providing viewers with the highest quality audio experience possible.

Signal Distribution
Take advantage of existing COTS networks using Livewire+AES67 enabled xNodes to convert one audio format to another and distribute that signal using multicast to many destinations simultaneously without the need for discrete distribution amplifiers or the associated cabling.

TV Watermarking
Modern implementations of watermarking yield TV ratings data that is consistent and reliable over the air and over the top. Our Next Generation Audio products from Linear Acoustic help broadcasters capture this revenue.

Preferred Service & Support
Our TelosCare PLUS Customer Care program gives you the one-stop service and support you need long after the sale, going far beyond basic support and troubleshooting.